Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Molly's Life Part 5- Making a friend?

Today in Latin we got assigned some really cool projects and all got partners. My partner is Dana and she is coming over this weekend so we can work on our display board. We have to make a newspaper written in Latin displaying things that may have been news when Latin was a spoken language. I think we are going to go with a lot of "general", "interest" style news with one or two local events thrown in to the mix and maybe one "top story". (Can you tell I am LOVING Journalism classes, dear reader?)

Dana is really nice and I can't wait! I don't think I have ever ad a friend or classmate over for more than a few minutes stopping by with something and certainly never for a project! I got in trouble for telling my brothers they have to behave and be nice and not embarrass me. Mom says it is their house not my friends and I am no one to tell them how to act.

I BEGGED her not to call me Molly Ro while Dana is here. Why would she call me that? Well the neighbor boy, Robbie, they call him Rob Ro for some reason. I think his last name is different from his moms and starts with Ro?  I don't know. Anyway she says he is the best guy I will ever get to talk to me. He is cool but he doesn't really even talk to me! He calls me Cinderella when he sees me cleaning outside or rolls his eyes asking how much more I have to do and is nice but I mean that is just well basic hey how ya doing neighbor stuff. So I am either called MolRo or MollyRo or some bad name that I won't shock your decent sensibilities with, dear reader. I can't remember the last time she simply called me Molly.

I am worried as heck she will embarrass me but she doesn't like to embarrass herself so she may not. Plus even if she calls me that I don't have to explain what it means I can just pretend it isn't a big deal. Dana may not even notice.

(That Sunday Afternoon)

Today was a DISASTER. Dana and I went to play in the yard while the glue was drying on the first part of our display. She can do awesome flips and handstands and was trying to show me how. Sammy came out and PUSHED me while I was trying to flip and I fell and hurt my wrist. It isn't broken or anything but it REALLY hurt and was embarrassing! I was bad enough at it but could laugh it off til that. Dana looked MORTIFIED for me and gave him a disgusted look but I went off on him yelling and pushed him JUST as mom looked out the window. She came outside and grabbed me by the hair and pulled me around the yard by my hair yelling at me right in front of Dana!!!! Dana wound up calling her mom to go home and I cried and cried when she left! Brand new school and I will NEVER live this down with the one real friend I started to make! I know so many exclamation points is really bad but all of these sentences need them!!! I can't think straight right now to write correctly I am SO upset! Since Mr. R says if you don't take the time to do it right don't do it I am going to stop for now.

(The next evening)

Oh boy I have done it now. I am REALLY in trouble! I don't know how Dana could do this to me. I will NEVER talk to her again. mom is gonna KILL me if she finds out. Dear reader if you are seeing this after my body has been found and it looks like an accident and they find me in the river, PLEASE know that it was not an accident! Mom has threatened me before with putting me in the river and banging my head or chopping me in little pieces and trashing one piece of me each week on different blocks on trash day so it never comes from her garbage or even our block. So if they find me anyway like that it was NOT an accident!

Anyway I got called to the third floor counselor's office today. the office is really cool and they told me it was routine on the slip they sent to get me. With my scholarship I get called to a lot of meetings just checking up on me to see how I am so I thought nothing of it. Dana was already up there though! She had told the counselor everything!!! I just know I looked terrified! But I denied it all said she was really exaggerating and even lying. My mom says I have tells when I lie. I don't know about that I just know it feels really crappy and I don't like doing it. But I HAD to lie! If my mom EVER finds out I talked to someone outside the house about her she will FREAK. If she even finds out I was up there for that she will be mad. The counselor told me over and over they wouldn't be telling my mom what I said but I just said there is nothing to tell her I said I didn't say anything!

I can't believe Dana did that! I am so glad our project is done I wish I could move my seat in class! Father Jim said at the start he re- seats us at the semester switch and I can't wait! I am going to go say a rosary that my mom never finds out I was at the counselors!

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