Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Molly's Life Part 3 (part 2!)- Summer Daze part 2

(We find Molly less than a week after her next entry already writing again!)

Oh Dear reader Mr. Macon was right! It IS hard work at his store. But I CANNOT say enough how much I loved it! SQUEAL!!!!  yes I literally just squealed into my pillow! I acted super tired and shrugged off questions of how it was when i came home. I wasn't lying I AM tired but oh my gosh what a rush!!! A JOB, time away for the summer AND my own money!!!! $6 an hour!!! Minimum wage is only $5.15!!!!

Mom doesn't think I will be able to keep it :( She says I have a knack for getting into trouble. But I know I can! I am going to do everything 1000 percent!!!!

I didn't wash many dishes today. I did some but mostly I was taught how to make their secret cocktail sauce recipe and coleslaw!!! The food is sooo good and they let me taste at each stage so I could see what each thing does to the recipe! i am going to learn so much!!! Mom doesn't cook ANYTHING homemade except her chicken soup and hers is nowhere near as good as Gram's so I am REALLY excited that I get to learn a little about cooking some of my favorite foods! The head cook there is named Lenny. He is super nice! He says the only thing he won't teach me to make is his hot sauce but he will make me some for Christmas' and birthdays if I stick around :) His hot sauce is soooo good I can't even describe it! Makes my mouth water! it is good on everything and almost a whole meal of tastes on its own! Almost seems a shame to ruin it with what you are putting it on except he is a really good cook too. The line cook Jesse makes really good scallops too but I don't think he is a real cook. I know Leonard went to culinary school and all but can't work at a big place because he has messed up knees and needs somewhere small where he can put a stool on the line and still reach most stuff for prep work and stuff to cut down the time he has to put strain on his knees. Wow you can learn so much about people in one day!

Let's see Mr. Macon is divorced. His ex wife seems pretty unreasonable based on what he says but she is the mom of his kids so he seems careful to watch his wording. looks like his kids stop by a lot. His new girlfriend works at the shop and showed me how to bread shrimp with one wet hand and one dry hand so the meal doesn't get clumpy. She is really nice. Her name is Muriel.

Tomorrow morning I get to go fold flyers at the state reps office. The lady there who runs the office, Ms Peggy is sooo nice! She invited me to a party meeting for gaining poll volunteers and I haven't even started yet! I am too young to work pulls in much of an official capacity but I can hand out flyers and cookies and stuff!

Right now I am going to head out. I just heard David say they are going outside to see if the neighbors wanna play ball which means John and Jess may be over and Mom said I can go into the actual yard today since I went to work! Not that John will talk to me but I can read a book and watch him just being cute! I know it is corny and silly, dear reader! I am about to be 14 though and being a dork that is all I get to do :) If you saw him you would know!!! Talk soon I promise!

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Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a sunshiney day!