Monday, June 10, 2013

Molly's Life Part 3- Summer Daze part 1

Ugh I am sooo mad. Of course I had to go and get myself grounded to start the summer. Now the only time I get away from this place is going to be for work IF I get a job since mom says I can't go work with dad while I am grounded. He was going to hire me to reorganize the office at work. His boss is such a slob I don't know how he makes so much money. He has a gorgeous house and a successful business but the office is a mess of paperwork and dog toys from the shop dogs. oh and it SMELLS like dog.

I knew I would be in trouble. I just didn't care! Sister Jane asked me to read one of the readings at the graduation Mass. Well, ceremony. Mom forbid me from reading at church awhile back. I was always getting picked as I am one of the clearest readers I think, or maybe I am the most kiss ass and only one who wants to /shrug. oh well I enjoy it! But mom says I am not holy enough to stand on the altar and read so I don't get to anymore.

But it is GRADUATION! I am not in the yearbook for everything mom always grounds me from everything before pics and rosters are made and I am lucky if I get back into it. I am not even in the choir pictures!! The director probably thinks I am a flake and can't commit when really I love choir most of all so that is the first thing I get taken away.

So I risked it KNOWING there would be trouble. Oh and Ginny had chicken pox so I wound up doing her reading as well which made mom double mad. they let her march in for her diploma then back to the sacristy so she had minimal contact with everyone. Mom didn't know ahead of time so I got to be on the programs and to read but boy was she pissed once she got me alone.

So now I am grounded ALL summer or until "further notice". Of course the more I ask if I can go out the more I get "extended' so maybe this time I will be smart and show impulse control. The seafood place around the corner my dad has been working on building is finally open and has a help wanted sign in the window for a dishwasher. Next time mom sends me to the pharmacy I am going to stop in and ask to apply. I cannot stay in this house all summer I will go nuts! Especially with all her kids in the pool! I just know I will have to sit and play lifeguard again and not be allowed in! Last summer was the same when we got it :( I only was allowed in like 5 times all summer and only at night when I was up later than them. I have to admit the pool to myself at night was kinda nice though. Sometimes Deborah or her husband or one of her kids would come clean or get in their pool to talk to me across the fence so I had company. Otherwise I would enjoy the quiet or practice my handstands or just float and daydream looking for starts and planes and listening to the crickets and cars going by the house.

So anyway! I know I can wash dishes! Anyone can do that so I should be able to get the job! Plus the owner has seen me with dad and loves dad so I am sure that won't hurt! I don't wanna use dad to get a job even though he says I can as long as I am responsible and don't give him a bad name. The owner seems super nice and he gives me shrimp when we go in for free doesn't even have daddy pay for it. I LOVE seafood but none of my brothers and sisters do so we never get it. Plus it is expensive so I doubt we would anyway.  Bah here comes mom...

(The Next Day)

UGH!!! Not a girl's job???? Really? What are we in pre suffrage America??? Do I have to go all Susan B Anthony on this guy really? How is dishwashing NOT a woman's job even pre equal rights? I mean isn't that what we are good at doing supposedly? Washing dishes and cooking and cleaning and organizing? Apparently the job includes carrying things up and down to and from the basement walk in and Mr. Macon, the owner doesn't think girls should be doing that. I NEED a job and that is the only place I am going to get anywhere near that will hire under the table. At least while I am grounded! I cannot spend all summer cooped up.

(The Next Week)

I saw Mr. Macon outside today and chopped to chat and be super sweet. I am really friendly to start but I made a special effort and didn't even bring up the job! I guess that means I am learning to hold my tongue a bit. Maybe I can get grounded less if I ever get through this summer!.

My oldest brother (who is like 4 years younger than me!), David, had to go to the ER today. Of course my grounding is extended /sigh. he threw a battery at me and I ducked but I threw one back and hurt his nose or something. It isn't broken but they have him bandaged. Mom was pissed but dad was in the room while she was yelling so I blurted out what he did and he calmed her down saying she had to yell at him too then. I feel bad because then mom started yelling about how his face was his punishment so i needed to be punished and they started fighting so I got downstairs and I know I will get off easy because it is never as bad when Mom has to go against dad and hide the punishment. She already said I am "extended" 2 weeks on being grounded but since I had no end date to start not much I can complain about.

(2 weeks later)

Omg omg omg! Dear reader I have not written in almost 2 weeks! Every time I walk past Macon's seafood I wave or if he is outside talk to him and ask him if he found someone. The other day I gave up hope because he took down the sign and had some kid working in there. Today when my mom took my brothers and siter to camp I was playing with his daughters and my siblings waiting for them to call camp to order. After they took role and while my mom was over talking to the counselor he walked up to me and told me to come around Thursday night and he would find something for me to do and see how it goes!!! I. Have. A JOB!!!!!! ok well maybe. I have a chance at a job at least!!! Plus the lady at the state reps office said I can come next week and help them fold some papers for envelopes if I want to volunteer!!!!!! My mom loves the rep because his office always helps her with her dumb complaint war she has with the neighbor so of course she said yes if they need help I can go!!! This has GOT to be the best day ever!!!!

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Thanks for stopping by! I would love to hear your thoughts! Have a sunshiney day!