Saturday, October 26, 2013

Molly's Life Part 9 ~Pick a road

Two roads diverged in a wood...

The "road less traveled" is preached as the better road. I think they should really tell people more about how miserable traveling that road alone really is. I really really wanna do the right things but it makes my life miserable and there seems to be very little upside besides paving my path to heaven.

Ms. Karen keeps asking me questions about the happenings in the group home. I was sticking with telling her things like "I don't know" or "not that I know of". That seems to have worn thin and she had a talk with me about how she thought she could trust me and she finally had an honest, good Catholic girl in her house.

That really made me mad! Because I went to her and tried to be good and she let me get beat up and then made it pretty much impossible for me to do a police report without making it way worse. Plus she isn't even CATHOLIC! How does she know what a good Catholic girl would do and how is she gonna try to use my religious devotion as a weapon against me!

We don't even EVER get to go to a Catholic church! Ms. Justine drags us along to a really hyper and loud Christian church. I know God doesn't care as long as you give him his time but she gets REALLY mad when I won't take communion at her church because I don't know if I am allowed! I keep meaning to talk to someone at school and ask but I feel like it is something I should know so I think that is why I keep "forgetting" or not finding a convenient time is more like it.

Anyway, I told Ms. Karen, during this talk, that I would NOT be giving her any more info I thought it was safer for me to stay out of the middle of things and mind my own business.

So she tells me that "someone complained" that I am only 14 and I get to do after school activities like school newspaper and community service corp. The group home rule is generally you have to be 16 to get time out and a curfew and such. I have been allowed  to do after school stuff and come right home because I was already involved in it when I came here and I have a full scholarship so I am expected to be active in my school community.

I tried to explain the expectation and stammered all of this out to Ms. Karen how important it is for me to get a scholarship to college and have activities on my permanent record. She told me I had given her "no reason to continue to make exceptions" for me. Can you believe it?? She wants to mess up my entire high school career and hurt my chances of getting into good colleges and getting good scholarships because I won't snitch??? And Catholic Social Services put this woman in charge here??

I begged and pleaded and even went to the counselor at school. No one could help though they all hated it. The girls here told me I should just go anyway. All I will lose is  my 2 dollar a week allowance if I go AWOL. I really don't need the 2 bucks it doesn't help me any. All it would mean is to keep coming home an hour or two late...

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