Saturday, August 24, 2013

Molly's Life Part 8- Merry Christmas Everyone

I love the holidays, dear reader! They fill me with wonder and delight and the promises of better days to come! Even after tonight I still love them. Last time I wrote I didn't know where I was spending the night. I have been at the new shelter two days. They treat us all like we are criminals it seems. You know, dear reader (well at least I hope you know by now!) that I am NOT a troublemaker. I really do not appreciate being treated like one.

We all have chores on a schedule that we have to do each day. A few of the other kids here were refusing to do theirs so I started to do them to stop the arguing. I was in the other room figured it would not matter but the staff here really flipped out on me. Like I have no right to do chores that aren't mine. I considered giving them a definition of rights but didn't think it would help my case.

Tonight was Christmas Eve. Well one of my eyes is swollen shut but I guess it is morning now so it was last night. They are really strict about lights out and stuff here so I am writing in the near dark, just a touch of light from the window.

I was sitting in the "lounge" at a benched table we have for board games and such here. The "don't do extra chores" debacle was over so I was doing some reading for a school project. Apparently some of the kids think I am a "goody two shoes" now thanks to the rant of the staff member here. So one of them decided to throw a can of peas at my face to "teach me a lesson". I hate peas to start, dear reader! I will NEVER eat them again.

My eye waters pretty badly when I try to open it very much. So I am keeping it mostly closed. The headache is the worst part though.

They already gave us our Christmas presents. I got a brush and a dollar store version of a caboodles case. They are basic makeup cases if they don't have those in the future when you read this. I remember seeing all the donated toys for the organization that runs this place in piles and piles at the toy drives in the stores. I am not sure if seeing what some of these kids got makes me want to donate much better toys when I am an adult or found my own organization that treats kids with respect and trains it's staff better.

What would you do if you hit the lottery? I would get a house and car if I were a grown up. And then I would found a charity dedicated to making sure all these sob stories stop happening. That kids like all the ones I have met have a place to go. I think kids need a place to let off steam without the fear that grownups will interfere and make decisions for them. Somewhere they don't have to worry that the people hurting them will hear about it. I understand that people's conscience makes them want to help the poor innocent kids who cannot help themselves. Sometimes no adult can know better than the teenager who has lived their life for ten years in the same circumstances and somehow survived with their dignity intact and head held high.

I am starting to think everyone who acts out has a story. I have always scoffed at anyone not taking the time for homework or not making the grades or at least doing the extra credit if they need it. I am starting to understand that everyone has a story and they alone are the keeper. Just because you have a story doesn't mean it needs to be told.

I am going to tell you my story on behalf of all of those who cannot. Every kid and teenager I have met is smarter than the adults around them. They may not get good grades or have scholarships like I do but there is a lot I can learn from them.

I am finally feeling tired. I am going to grab some sleep. The wake up schedule is pretty strict here. Goodnight, dear reader!

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